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Dictionary of Modern English Grammer Серия: Wordsworth Reference инфо 10956f.

Dictionary of Modern English Grammer Серия: Wordsworth Reference инфо 10956f.

Составитель: Ned Halley Is there a right way to speak and write English? This unique new guide to the language is dedicated to answering the question - in Plain English Compiled for readers from schooатмедl age onwards, this is a book of easy reference It explains the workings of 21st-century English, from the most basic rules of grammar and spelling to the origins of the language in the ancient world, and the curiosities of current slang Included is latest advice on бгквмthe abbreviated language of the text message, and how to navigate the treacherous linguistic realms of political correctness Ned Halley is a newspaper sub-editor and writer He is the author of many books for adults and children, and a compiler of the world-renowned quiz 'It Pays to Enrich Your Word Power' in Reader's Digest magazine.